Ticket Information

Tickets are on sale using the link and information below. Please note that everyone who attends needs to have a ticket. We are using a sliding scale ticketing system this year with the intention of recognizing and supporting various members of our community. You should select the ticket price level that works best for you, noting that we do have limited amounts in each type.

Once you obtain your ticket, please make sure to sign the waiver (emailed to you) and download your ticket. You will need to show your ticket to be scanned when you arrive on site.

You can also check out all of the available accommodations by clicking here. This year, we have everything from tent camping (included with your admission ticket) all the way through large private cabins.

Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Question section or email us at [email protected]

Ticket Prices for 2024

We do everything we can to make sure that we keep our ticket prices as low as possible. This year, we did have to raise prices (since every one of our costs increased). Our subsidized tickets are below-cost and we did not increase those this year. Our at-cost (sustainer) tickets did go up by 6% this year.

  • Subsidized Ticket: $250 – Same Price as Last Year!
    • This is a subsidized (below our cost) ticket to the event. We have a limited pool of these tickets and are making the available to the following groups:
      1. Individuals who might not be able to afford a full-cost (sustainer) ticket to the event; and/or,
      2. Individuals who identify as BIPOC, Trans, Genderqueer, Femme, and/or Gender Non-Conforming. Our intention here is to make the event more financially accessible to these groups.
      Last Year, we noticed a number of people who bought this ticket and then added a $50 (or more) donation. We love that…and…we would encourage you to buy a Sustainer Ticket instead so that someone else can gain access. We have a limited pool of these tickets available (depending on how many Benefactor tickets we sell)
  • Sustainer Ticket: $340
    • This is a ticket at the cost to produce the event. If you are able to select a higher-priced ticket, that extra will help to bring someone to the event who might not be able to afford a full priced ticket. We have a limited pool of these tickets.
  • Supporter Ticket: $425
    • This is a ticket priced higher than the cost to produce our event. The extra will help to bring someone to the event who might not be able to afford a full priced ticket. (Note $85 of this ticket is a tax-deductible donation)
  • Benefactor Ticket: $475 – Tickets On Sale Jan 11 at 12noon PT
    • This is our highest priced ticket and includes a larger tax-deductible amount. The extra will help to bring someone to the event who might not be able to afford a full priced ticket. (Note $135 of this ticket is a tax-deductible donation)
Add on items for 2024

We have a variety of add-on items, which include all of the available accommodations that you can see with more detail by clicking here. The prices for these are:

  • Tent Camping tickets are always included with admission!
  • Single Bed Ticket: $65
  • Small Private Cabin: $300
  • RV Ticket (with electrical hookup): $300
  • Car Camping or Small RV (no hookup): $200
  • Cabin #1: $1000
  • Cabin #2 (Front): $800
  • Cabin #2 (Room C): $350
  • Cabin #2 (Room D): $300
  • Cabin #5: $1,100
On Sale Information for 2024

We are doing ticket sales a bit differently this year. This is our attempt to help be fair and equitable. We have adopted a ticket on-sale process similar to other queer campouts:

Benefactor Tickets (highest priced) – On Sale January 11 at 12noon PT
This is for those who think they can pay a little extra for a ticket to help someone who might not be able to pay as much. The more Benefactor Tickets we sell, the more Subsidized and Granted tickets we can provide the community!

Cabins (including small cabins) – On Sale January 12 at 12noon PT
We know, these are in demand. We can’t figure out any other way to make the cabin sale fair except for placing cabins on sale on a first-come basis. If you don’t get a Cabin we will have beds in the lodge for sale during the general sale. We are also working with Sports Basement to create a special Something Queer tent rental package! Please note that you do not need to buy a ticket to buy a cabin. Although, everyone staying in a cabin will need a ticket. You can either buy a benefactor ticket OR you can wait until the general ticket sale on Monday.

General Sale – All ticket tiers (including subsidized), RV and Car Camping, and Lodge Beds – On Sale January 15 at 12noon PT
This is the general sale. Anything not sold in the early sales will be available as well as all ticket tiers and pricing options. We will also open our ticket grant application on this day.

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