Something Queer is on a mission to center and support queer artists. We love featuring queer artists at our events, especially for our annual gathering. Here by accident and you were trying to find the participation form (click here)?
This year, our art will be curated by the incredibly talented Rebekah Waites. You can direct your questions to Rebekah via email (here).
Apply for an artist grant to fund your art for Something Queer!
Something Queer has dedicated funds (thanks to our generous donors) to provide artists with grants for their work. Click Here to Access the Art Grant Application (note: Google Account Sign In Required)
Don’t need funding? Let us know you want to bring your art to the 2025 Gathering
Do you have some art that you would like to bring to the 2025 gathering? Let us know! We would love to make sure that your art gets placed and featured on site. We encourage our participants to bring art of all sort and here are just a few examples:
- Large Scale Art that you already have complete and don’t need funding
- Paintings or other art that you would like displayed in gallery form
- Performance art that you would like to do on site
- Visual or interactive art that comes alive at night
- Sound art
- Sacred space art or the curation of certain spaces on site