Well, it’s official. Our 3rd edition is coming May 12 – 15, 2023 at Saratoga Springs Retreat Center. The entire Something Queer crew is excited to host our queer family for a wonderful weekend of connection, food, engagement, camping, presence, music, workshops, grounding, centering, and all of the other incredible things that are part of the Something Queer experience. We are expanding the event a bit more this year. Since we sold out of tickets last year, we are looking for ways of increasing the capacity without taking away from the close-knit vibe that is the Something Queer special sauce. We have some new voices around our planning table this year and are going to try a few new things out. You might have also noticed we’ve redesigned our graphics, which reflect more of the experience of the event. All that said, we are holding on to the parts that set us apart from the rest…most importantly…our queer community.

We hope that you are able to join us this year for an incredible experience as we Re:Imagine ourselves and our community.

Tickets will be on sale in January, so make sure that you stay up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter and checking our our socials. Until then, we can’t wait to Re:Imagine with each and every one of you.

We will be posting event updates on the details page, as soon as we have them

Categories: 2023 Updates


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