We are an inclusive community of radical beings looking to make lifelong connections and family in a safe space that honors and respects every being at their core. 

We draw inclusive inspiration from gatherings that came before us and we pride this event on everyone’s ability to participate and express themselves in ways that encourage immediacy, radical inclusion, sex positivity, harm reduction, and acceptance.

We pride this event on everyone’s ability to participate and express themselves in ways that encourage immediacy, radical inclusion, sex positivity, harm reduction, and acceptance.

Who is putting this on?

The Something Queer gathering is being hosted by the Something Queer Music and Arts Collective, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. The organization is run by a diverse volunteer Board of Directors, who are all deeply rooted in the queer Bay Area community. We are a nonprofit public charity exempted by the IRS as a 501(c)3 organization.

You can read more about the organization by visiting the Organization’s website. We are making everything transparent — we have published our budget and are putting together our financial disclosures for public consumption. We want the organization and the event to be community-led and community-managed.

The event is a nonprofit event. Our intention is to keep our prices as low as possible AND provide some grants to folx who might need the boost to attend. We are doing all we can to center queer, trans, and BIPOC folx at our event. You can donate to our efforts, below…